“Can Citizen Pressure be Induced to Improve Public Service Provision?” Forthcoming. Journal of Politics (with Pia Raffler and Doug Parkerson). (VoxDev Article) (IPA Policy Brief) (IPA Study Summary) (Pre-Analysis Plan)
“Tensions in Knowledge Accumulation Using Coordinated Intervention Experiments to Improve Public Policy.” 2024. In Janet Box-Steffensmeier, Dino P. Christenson, and Valeria Sinclair-Chapman, eds. Oxford Handbook of Methodological Pluralism in Political Science (with Jake Bowers, Natasha Greenberg, and Morgan Holmes).
“Accordance and Conflict Between Religious and Scientific Precautions Against COVID-19 in 27 Societies.” 2024. Religion, Brain and Behavior (with Theodore Samore and 31 others).
“Greater Traditionalism Predicts COVID-19 Precautionary Behavior Across 27 Societies.” 2023. Scientific Reports 13:4969 (with Theodore Samore and 31 others).
“Terms Matter: The Use of ‘Tribe’ in African Studies.” 2023. In Jennifer L. De Maio, Suzanne Scheld, and Tom Spencer-Walters, eds. Re-Membering Africa: Critical Dimensions of African Studies. Lexington Books: 17-29 (with Jennifer L. De Maio).
“Pre-analysis Plans: An Early Stocktaking.” 2023. Perspectives on Politics 21(1): 174-190 (with George Ofosu). (Replication Files) (EGAP Q&A)
“Does Decentralization Encourage Pro-Poor Targeting? Evidence from Kenya’s Constituencies Development Fund.” 2022. World Development 155 (with J. Andrew Harris).
“Measuring Ethnic Bias: Can Misattribution-Based Tools from Social Psychology Reveal Group Biases that Economics Games Cannot?” 2021. Political Analysis 29(3): 385-404 (with Ashley Blum and Chad Hazlett). (Supplementary Material) (Replication Files)
“Elections and Selfishness.” 2021. Electoral Studies 69 (with Kjetil Bjorvatn, Simon Galle, Lars Ivar Oppedal Berge, Edward Miguel, Bertil Tungodden, and Kelly Zhang). (Online Appendix)
“Ethnically Biased? Experimental Evidence from Kenya.” 2020. Journal of the European Economic Association 18(1): 134-164 (with Lars Ivar Oppedal Berge, Kjetil Bjorvatn, Simon Galle, Edward Miguel, Bertil Tungodden, and Kelly Zhang). (Online Appendix)
“Do Pre-analysis Plans Hamper Publication?” 2020. AEA Papers & Proceedings 110: 70-74 (with George Ofosu).
“Be Prepared (To Go Off-Script).” 2020. In Peter Krause and Ora Szekely, eds. Cautionary Tales: An Unorthodox Guide to Fieldwork. New York: Columbia University Press: 88-92.
“(Under What Conditions) Do Politicians Reward their Supporters? Evidence from Kenya’s Constituencies Development Fund.” 2019. American Political Science Review 113(1): 123-139 (with J. Andrew Harris).
“The Political Sources of Religious Identification: Evidence from the Burkina Faso-Côte d’Ivoire Border.” 2019. British Journal of Political Science 49(2): 421-441 (with John McCauley).
“Protecting Education from Ethnic Politics.” 2019. In Hiroyuki Hino, Arnim Langer, John Lonsdale, and Frances Stewart, eds. From Divided Pasts to Coherent Futures: Interdisciplinary Reflections on Africa. New York: Cambridge University Press: 300-321 (with Eric Kramon).
“Term Limits: Leadership, Political Competition and the Transfer of Power.” 2018. In Nic Cheeseman, ed. Institutions and Democracy in Africa: How the Rules of the Game Shape Political Developments. New York: Cambridge University Press: 260-277 (with Daniel J. Young). (Coding of 3rd Term Cases)
“When and Why Do Some Social Cleavages Become Politically Salient Rather Than Others?” 2017. Ethnic and Racial Studies 40(12): 2001-2019.
“Who’s Asking? Interviewer Coethnicity Effects in African Survey Data.” 2016. Comparative Political Studies 49(12): 1630-1660 (with Claire L. Adida, Karen E. Ferree, and Amanda Lea Robinson). (Online Appendix)
“Ethnic Favoritism in Education in Kenya.” 2016. Quarterly Journal of Political Science 11(1): 1-58 (with Eric Kramon).
“African Borders as Sources of Natural Experiments: Promise and Pitfalls.” 2015. Political Science Research and Methods 3(2): 409-418 (with John McCauley).
“Does Information Lead to More Active Citizenship? Evidence from an Education Intervention in Rural Kenya.” 2014. World Development 60 (August): 69-83 (with Evan Lieberman and Lily Tsai).
“Who Benefits from Distributive Politics? How the Outcome One Studies Affects the Answer One Gets.” 2013. Perspectives on Politics 11(2): 461-474 (with Eric Kramon). (Online Appendix)
“Kenya’s New Constitution.” 2011. Journal of Democracy 22(2): 89-103 (with Eric Kramon).
“Political Competition and Ethnic Identification in Africa.” 2010. American Journal of Political Science 54(2): 494-510 (with Benn Eifert and Edward Miguel).
“Coethnicity and Trust.” 2009. In Karen Cook, Margaret Levi and Russell Hardin, eds. Whom Can We Trust? New York: Russell Sage Foundation: 42-64 (with James Habyarimana, Macartan Humphreys, and Jeremy M. Weinstein).
“Is Ethnic Conflict Inevitable? Better Institutions, Not Partition.” 2008. Foreign Affairs (July/August): 138-141 (with James Habyarimana, Macartan Humphreys, and Jeremy M. Weinstein).
“Why Does Ethnic Diversity Undermine Public Goods Provision?” 2007. American Political Science Review 101(4): 709-725 (with James Habyarimana, Macartan Humphreys, and Jeremy M. Weinstein).
“Regime Change and Ethnic Cleavages in Africa.” 2007. Comparative Political Studies 40(11): 1302-1327.
“The Institutionalization of Political Power in Africa.” 2007. Journal of Democracy 18(3): 126-140 (with Daniel J. Young).
“The Political Salience of Cultural Difference: Why Chewas and Tumbukas are Allies in Zambia and Adversaries in Malawi.” 2004. American Political Science Review 98(4): 529-545.
“Measuring Ethnic Fractionalization in Africa.” 2004. American Journal of Political Science 48(4): 849-863.
“Civil Society and the Reconstruction of Failed States.” 2004. In Robert Rotberg, ed. When States Fail: Causes and Consequences. Princeton: Princeton University Press: 237-255.
“The Colonial Origins of Ethnic Cleavages: The Case of Linguistic Divisions in Zambia.” 2003. Comparative Politics 35(2): 127-146.
“Economic Conditions and Incumbent Support in Africa’s New Democracies: Evidence from Zambia.” 2002. Comparative Political Studies 35(3): 313-336 (with David J. Simon).
“The Implications of Constructivisim for Constructing Ethnic Fractionalization Indices.” 2001. APSA-CP 12 (Winter) (with David D. Laitin).
“A First Look at Second Elections in Africa, with Illustrations from Zambia.” 1999. In Richard Joseph, ed. State, Conflict and Democracy in Africa. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner: 377-407 (with Michael Bratton).
“Social Capital: Its Origins and Effects on Governmental Performance.” 1998. British Journal of Political Science 28(4): 686-693 (with Carles Boix).
“Malawi’s New Dawn.” 1995. Journal of Democracy 6 (January): 131-145.